Our Mission
Furniture Sharehouse provides free furniture to economically disadvantaged individuals and families living in Westchester County, giving them the basic household furnishings that enable them to rebuild their lives and live with dignity.
Our Clients
Our clients are referred by member social service agencies, and include:
- Those moving out of homeless shelters into permanent housing
- Battered women and children escaping domestic violence
- Working families struggling to stay above the poverty line
- Young adults aging out of foster care
- Victims of fires or other natural disasters.
Clients are brought by appointment to our warehouse located at the Westchester County Airport, where volunteers help them select furniture from our inventory based on their specific needs, including: beds, table and chairs, sofa, occasional tables, dresser, bookshelves, TV, microwave, rug, lamps and more. Clients may bring their own truck to take the furniture home or pay for our low-cost delivery service.
Furniture Sharehouse