Neighbors Link

The Neighbors Link mission is to strengthen the whole community through the healthy integration of immigrants. Our mission is achieved by filling a service gap for new immigrant families, offering education and empowerment programs, involving longer-term residents in volunteer opportunities and creating substantive partnerships with other local organizations. Our strategies to educate, empower and employ families include a Worker Center, English as a Second Language (ESL) education, employment training, health and legal referrals, parent education, early childhood programs and academic support for school-age children.
Building on our success of integrating the community in northern Westchester, the Neighbors Link Network was formed in 2010 with the goal of replicating the Neighbors Link model in other communities. Through the Network, we build relationships with local officials, community organizations and other stakeholders in cities and towns that seek to integrate their community. In 2011, a second, independently operating affiliate opened in Stamford, CT. Our strategic plan includes bringing programming – and possibly new affiliates – to more communities in the coming years. Neighbors Link Northern Westchester is actively expanding our reach to the community in Ossining, NY where we hope to open a new site some time in 2016.
Neighbors Link