Keon Center

The Keon Center, C.A.R.C. Inc. will be the most comprehensive, vocational life skill training center in Westchester County, offering consumer driven services that foster self respect and dignity through innovative, organized and effective programming, implemented by a dedicated, caring and professional staff in a nurturing and supportive environment.
The History of the Keon Center
C.A.R.C. Inc was started by a group of concerned parents and citizens to address the needs of children with disabilities who were not provided for by the State education system. They began by providing training classes for people with disabilities on a free tuition basis. It is believed that this was the first parent operated class in the State of New York. The original classes had students up to 30 years of age, and produced leather belts, purses, wallets, hats etc which were sold to raise money for more supplies.
In 1962 the organization moved into their own building in Montrose, NY. The school was dedicated on June 10, 1962, and was called the Edward J. Keon Sr. Memorial School. The School moved several times after outgrowing this building, and services expanded to serve a broad spectrum of clients and disabilities.
From its limited parent-operated beginning for children without a place in the State education system, the agency has consistently expanded its services to the disabled adult in a vocational setting and today provides services that include:

  • Diagnostic Vocational Evaluations
  • Comprehensive Work and Personal Adjustment Training
  • Individual and Group Counseling (available to family members as well as consumers)
  • Psychological Services
  • Social Services (available to family members as well, through the Family Support Program)
  • Sheltered Employment in the workshop
  • Supported Employment at selected community sites
  • Job Placement Services
  • Resource and Referral Services
  • Residential Habilitation Services
  • Benefits Assistance
  • Pre-Vocational Services
  • Job Enhancement Training Classes
  • Medicaid Service Coordination
  • School to Work Transition Services
  • Internships to students interested in learning more about careers in the field of human services

As additional needs are identified, the Keon Center will continue to develop new programs and provide additional services to our consumers. Through all its endeavors, the Keon Center remains a cost-free program for consumers, relying on limited government subsidies and the generosity of the community.