Latino U College Access

Empower first generation Latino youth to enroll and graduate from college by providing students with the knowledge and support they need to achieve their dreams. We strive to ensure that all Latino youth have the opportunity to earn a college degree and better position themselves for a more promising future.
Higher education paves the way for a better and brighter future, especially in a rapidly evolving economy. Latino U seeks to level the playing field by partnering with first-generation Latino youth to help them realize their potential and work towards achieving their dreams. Through advocacy, community education and student workshops, Latino U promotes college enrollment and prepares students for their journey to college graduation.
Planning for college and making college a successful, affordable experience can be a challenge. Our programs educate, guide and support students through the complex process, including submitting applications, qualifying for financial aid and admissions. We provide bilingual, culturally-relevant assistance to help Latino students and their families achieve their dreams.