The mission of The Mental Health Association of Westchester County, Inc. (MHA) is to promote mental health in Westchester through advocacy, community education and direct services.
MHA offers a range of treatment and support services that are person-centered, recovery-oriented, and individualized to promote recovery and wellness. MHA reaches out to families and individuals by providing services in their homes, nursing homes, homeless shelters and other community sites.
Services offered at MHA are steeped in a person-centered recovery-oriented philosophy, with respect for Your Privacy Rights.
Bilingual/Bicultural Services:
- Nuestro Futuro es un programa bilingüe y bicultural que ofrece tratamiento de salud mental a niños mayores de cinco anos, adolescentes y adultos en Español.
Care Management/Health Homes:
- Care Management/Health Homes is a care management service model whereby all of the individual’s providers communicate with one another so that all client needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner. MHA’s Care Managers are specifically trained to help you with all of your health care needs.
Services for Children:
- Care Management Services: MHA’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver and Intensive Case Management Programs provide individualized, community-based care coordination and case management services to children and their families, where a child’s serious emotional disturbance threatens a family’s ability to keep the child at home.
- Counseling, Treatment, and Support services include individual play, talk and medication therapies, as well as family and group treatment to assist with a range of mental health problems.
- OnTrackNY at MHA Westchester- My Health, My Choices, My Future: OnTrackNY @ MHA is an innovative treatment program for adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16-30 who, within the last twelve months, have had unusual thoughts and behaviors or who have started hearing or seeing things that others don’t. OnTrackNY @ MHA facilitates recovery from psychosis through a deep commitment to collaboratively determined care, the use of best practices and a dedicated team to address individuals’ clinical, educational, vocational and family goals.
Services for Adults and Seniors:
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): ACT services support recovery in the community and are provided at locations of an individual’s choice, rather than in a traditional office setting.
- Employment Services: Helps individuals who have psychiatric diagnoses prepare for, choose and maintain employment, or improve a current work situation.
- Northern Westchester Recovery Network (NWRN): The Northern Westchester Recovery Network offers peer outreach and support in the Northern Westchester community. Services include mentoring and mutual support for adults building lives in their communities while decreasing dependence on the mental health system.
- OnTrackNY @ MHA is an innovative treatment program for adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16-30 who, within the last twelve months, have had unusual thoughts and behaviors or who have started hearing or seeing things that others don’t. OnTrackNY @ MHA facilitates recovery from psychosis through a deep commitment to collaboratively determined care, the use of best practices and a dedicated team to address individuals’ clinical, educational, vocational and family goals.
- Planned Respite: A short-term intervention for people who are experiencing an increase of symptoms that cannot be managed at home without increased supports. Voluntary and temporary, Planned Respite is provided by trained staff at either home-like settings within the community or at the person’s place of residence.
- Residential Services: Apartment Treatment and Supported Housing services for adults in recovery from mental illnesses.
- Sterling Community Center: Recovery oriented activities and support for adults who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness.
- Counseling, Treatment & Support: Individual, group and family treatment and counseling, medication therapy, and services for grandparents raising children.
Services for Families:
- Family Support Services offer support and advocacy for families whose children are enrolled in MHA’s Treatment or Children’s Case Management programs.